• Enriched Air Nitrox Course

Enriched Air Nitrox Course

Want to extend your bottom time, lessen your surface interval, and maximize every dive? Become an Enriched Air Nitrox diver! You will learn how to choose the proper blend of Nitrox for your dive profile, determine maximum depth limits for your Nitrox mixture, analyze your breathing mixture, and plan and safely execute each dive.
Your instructor will teach you about the physiology of oxygen and nitrogen; advantages, disadvantages, and risks of nitrox; oxygen toxicity; hazards and precautions of handling oxygen; the concept of Equivalent Air Depth; use of EANx with standard Air Dive Tables; common gas mixing procedures; and more.


Sign up! You can take this as a single course or as an add on to scuba diver or advanced diver. 

Includes tour guide plus eLearning. Nitrox rentals are additional.


Availability: In Stock

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